for Adults & Families
The Achieve Programs offer financial wellness services which are focused on creating opportunities for families as a whole by providing one-on-one financial coaching, financial education, and entrepreneurship support to all ages – from Kindergarten through Adulthood.
- Financial Coaching – Branches offers free one-on-one personal financial coaching sessions with a certified financial coach to help individuals build their credit, build assets and achieve long-term success in life.
- Micro-Business Incubator, E-Lab & BE ONE – equips entrepreneurs by focusing on five key areas of impact including entrepreneurship, business intelligence, digital transformation, business systems, and business development.
- Financial Education for Children & Youth – prepares our students to play an active role in managing their personal finances and make informed decisions about saving, spending, investing and borrowing through group classes and one-on-one coaching.
- Tax Preparation Services – Branches leads the Miami Tax Pros VITA coalition and offers tax prep services and ITIN processing at no cost, year-round to lower-income individuals and families.
- Miami Community ID – serves as an accepted form of photo identification for select County services for Miami-Dade residents including seniors, survivors of domestic violence, formerly incarcerated or homeless individuals, foster youth, and others lacking proper documentation.
- Broward Community ID – serves as an accepted form of photo identification for select County services for Broward residents including seniors, survivors of domestic violence, formerly incarcerated or homeless individuals, foster youth, and others lacking proper documentation.
- Emergency Services Network – consists of more than a dozen local congregations that provide several forms of emergency services including food pantries, delivered meals and prepared hot meals. Branches also provides disaster relief and partners closely with FRIEND.
- United Way Center for Financial Stability (UWCFS) – housed and operated by Branches, the UWCFS offers a full range of financial stability services to enable working families and individuals to achieve economic stability.
To access Branches’ Financial Wellness Resource Library,
please click here.
For a Financial Wellness Appointment, please call 305-688-3551 x2008 or email FinancialWellness@branchesfl.org
The Achieve family of programs provides a continuum of financial wellness services that equips and enables families to achieve increased financial stability and long-term success in life. Achieve programs create opportunity, stimulate productivity and ultimately lead to stability;
Financial freedom cannot come through knowledge alone but necessitates an opportunity to exercise that knowledge. Branches opens up new opportunities for participants to improve their situations and lives. The coaching process reorients the expectations of a client to overcome self-imposed barriers while also navigating external barriers through access to uniquely targeted tools and services.
For participants that have begun to realize some of their opportunities, the Branches team offers services and products that allow them to increase their total and disposable income.
Stability may look differently for different people, however, stable families embody behaviors, utilize tools and resources that allow them to overcome obstacles in the road of life. Each Achieve program has unique key milestones tied to stability supporting families in their need for reliable access to housing, income, healthcare and financial tools along with the financial capabilities to achieve financial wellness.