The Trish & Dan Bell Community Empowerment Award

The Trish & Dan Bell Community Empowerment Award is named in honor of Trish and Dan Bell who have dedicated themselves to improving the lives of children and families.

By their commitment to provide opportunities to people from all segments of our community, they have challenged and inspired many to be more generous, to be more caring, to be more involved and to be more expansive in their understanding of ‘who is my neighbor’. Not only have they been philanthropic leaders, they have provided leadership in critical areas of development for our entire community. They have done so much good for so many especially for those who are most vulnerable. This award each year will recognize and honor someone who similarly is dedicated to creating a more compassionate community that provides real opportunities for all children and families.

Award Attributes:
– Being guided by one’s faith
– Being passionate about serving all God’s children
– Recognizing that no matter our circumstance in life, we share a common connection
– Building community by creating opportunities for our neighbors in need to fulfill their potential
– Encouraging generous philanthropy throughout our community and leading by example
– Inspiring others to dream big and make a difference
– Investing in Branches’ mission

2015 – Trish & Dan Bell – The Inaugural Award

2016 – The Batchelor Foundation & Founder George E. Batchelor
2017 – David Lawrence Jr.
2018 – Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho
2019 – Marile & Jorge Luis Lopez, Esq.
2022 – Dr. Eduardo J. Padrón
2023 – Ana VeigaMilton & Cecil Milton of the José Milton Foundation
2024 – Heide & Jose Dans



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