2023 Thanksgiving Meal Delivery

When Branches first began its Thanksgiving Meal Delivery in 2001, Branches and a few dozen volunteers delivered over 600 meals. This year, Branches is proud to have hosted its 23rd Annual Thanksgiving Meal Delivery! On Thanksgiving Day (Thursday, November 23rd), nearly 1,000 volunteers came together at seven sites throughout Miami-Dade and Broward Counties to cook, package and deliver over 5,150 meals to individuals and families in need. Branches partners with dozens of other nonprofits that identify clients who would otherwise be hungry and alone on what otherwise is a very special holiday. We deliver the traditional Thanksgiving meals to their homes along with large trilingual info pamphlets with information about Branches services and other community resources. The goal is to provide hope and opportunity for everyone involved; volunteers and recipients alike.

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Thanksgiving Sponsor