2021 Thanksgiving Meal Delivery
Branches 2021 Thanksgiving Meal Delivery was a huge success thanks to YOU! 6 sites, 400+ volunteers, and over 4,900 meals delivered to families on Thanksgiving Day!
When Branches first began its Thanksgiving Meal Delivery in 2001, Branches and a few dozen volunteers delivered over 600 meals. ! On Thanksgiving Day (Thursday, November 25th), Branches proudly hosted its 21st Annual Thanksgiving Meal Delivery where hundreds of volunteers came together at sites throughout Miami-Dade and Broward Counties to cook, package and deliver nearly 5,000 meals to individuals and families in need. Our staff partnered with dozens of agencies that help identify clients who would otherwise be hungry and alone on what otherwise is a very special holiday. We delivered these hot meals to their homes along with large trilingual info pamphlets with information about Branches services and other community resources. The goal is to provide hope and opportunity for everyone involved; volunteers and recipients alike.
THANK YOU for your faithful support!
To make a gift to support Branches’ hunger relief efforts year round please click here.
THANK YOU for your kind support!
See photos from our 2021 Meal Delivery HERE!
A special thank you to our partner,
the South East District of the United Methodist Church
and our 2021 Premiere Thanksgiving Sponsors:

Kathy & Scott Howard
Barbara & Ed Deppman Mark Hamende
Nancy Hector Kate Inman & Daniel Haines Shannon Kearns
Sharyn & Robert Ladner Rita & Ron Magill